Room Full of Mirrors

… and all I could see was me

Managing Node.js Processes

Recently, I posted to Twitter: “why do people still use pm2?” The post garnered much more attention than I expected it to, and I was asked by several people: “what is your alternative?” This article will outline why I think using pm2 is unnecessary and what I think should be done instead.

What Is PM2? §

pm2, per their readme, is:

… a production process manager for Node.js applications with a built-in load balancer. It allows you to keep applications alive forever, to reload them without downtime and to facilitate common system admin tasks.

In short: it’s a tool that launches your Node.js based application, watches it to detect when it has failed, and restarts it upon failure.

It also provides some measure of application performance monitoring (APM). I will not be focusing on the APM aspect in this article. Instead, I will focus on the primary use case as described in the quote and what I have seen when dealing with issues around pm2 in my open source work. What I’ll say about the APM piece is that there are plenty of tools, e.g. OpenTelemetry, that can provide equivalent or better insights.

PID 1 §

Process management is how modern operating systems (OSes) provide multitasking. Without process management, we’d boot our computers into a single application, do work, close the application, and the computer would shutdown (as an over simplification). On a Linux based system, this translates into:

  1. The kernel is started via the bootloader.
  2. The kernel initializes itself and then spawns a defined application.
  3. The application spawned by the kernel is a process manager and is assigned to PID 1 (process identifier 1).
  4. All other applications, from a CLI shell to a web browser, are spawned from and managed by the PID 1 process.

There are many different process managers. A short list of process managers used by various Linux (and BSD) systems to provide PID 1 is:

Why PM2? §

Great, so we know what a process manager is, that pm2 is one, and that OSes ship with one probably found in that short list. So why does pm2 exist if we already have a process manager at our disposal? Personally, I think it is due to a few primary reasons:

  1. The majority of people developing Node.js applications for server systems are not experts on application deployment.
  2. Software developers like to use tools written in the same language they are writing their own sofware in.
  3. That part about “a built-in load balancer” in the pm2 description quoted above.
  4. Someone wrote an article that suggested using it, the article became popular, and eventually turned in to gospel passed down through the ages.

Consider the following basic web server application:

'use strict'

const server = require('fastify')({ logger: true })

  path: '/',
  method: 'get',
  handler (req, res) {
    res.send('hello world')

server.listen({ port: process.env.PORT })

pm2 makes it easy to start, and keep running, such an application:

$ export PORT=8080
$ pm2 start index.js

It also provides a simple switch to enable load balancing, what it calls “cluster mode,” that will utilize multiple CPUs (or CPU cores) for the server:

$ export PORT=8080
$ pm2 start index.js -i 2 # where 2 is the number of CPUs to use

From there, it provides tooling for inspecting and managing logs and viewing metrics around the process. You can consult their documentation for more information on these features.

Why Not PM2? §

The short answer is: you already have the tools to accomplish the primary function of pm2. We’ll see that later when I present my suggested alternative. For now, let’s inspect how pm2 does some of the things it does.

First, it wraps the application in what it calls a ProcessContainer. This container starts the application in a subprocess with an IPC channel, monkey patches process.stdout and process.stdin, registers handler for typical process signals, and registers handlers for uncaughtException and unhandledRejection. I recommend reading through the linked container source code to understand how pm2 is handling your process. Pay close attention to the stdout and stdin patches. We see regularly see issues in Pino regarding monkey patched stdout, with several of them being due to the patching done by pm2.

Second, pm2 enables “load balancing” through the use of Node.js’s cluster module. This module implements a round-robin load balancing algorithm, which pm2 seems to rely upon, as its primary balancing algorithm. The result is all network connections really going to a single process, the pm2 process, and then getting balanced to one of the forked processes. While the overhead introduced here may be negligible if pm2 is only being used to manage a singular application, I highly doubt it remains so when multiple applications are being managed by pm2.

Ultimately, using pm2 to manage your process means you have wrapped your Node.js application up in another Node.js application thereby inheriting any performance penalties of that parent application in addition to your own application’s performance characteristics.

What Instead? §

Assuming the application is being deployed to a full system, e.g. “bare metal” or some sort of virtual machine or VPS, we should utilize the OS’s native process manager. A typical deployment host in this sort of setup is Debian, which, at this time, uses systemd as its process manager.

Recall that I mentioned pm2 adds handlers for process signals and process errors. In order for our application to work correctly with a typical process manager we need to update it in the same manner that pm2 is doing automatically:

'use strict'

const server = require('fastify')({ logger: true })

function handleSignal(sig) {`handling signal ${sig}`)
['SIGINT', 'SIGTERM'].forEach(sig => process.on(sig, handleSignal))

process.on('uncaughtException', error => {
  server.log.warn('got uncaughtException', error)
process.on('unhandledRejection', error => {
  server.log.warn('got unhandledRejection', error)

  path: '/',
  method: 'get',
  handler (req, res) {
    res.send('hello world')

server.listen({ port: process.env.PORT })

Subsequently, we can configure the process manager to manage the application:

  1. Add a new unprivilged user for our application:
    adduser --system myapp
  2. Create a deployment location for the app:
    mkdir -p /opt/apps/myapp && chown myapp /opt/apps/myapp
  3. Deploy the app:
    cd /opt/apps/myapp && tar xcf /tmp/myapp.tar.gz
  4. Add a service description file as /etc/systemd/system/myapp.service:
    Description=My Cool Web Server
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/node /opt/apps/myapp/index.js
  5. Activate the service:
    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl enable myapp
    systemctl start myapp.service
  6. Verify the service is working:

Is this more involved? Yes, clearly. Normally this sort of thing will be automated through some sort of infrastructure as code tool like Ansible. However, we gain a few benefits from utilizing the sytem tools:

  1. Anyone familiar with the standard OS tools will be familiar with how to manage the service.
  2. We gain limited process privileges through the use of system accounts.
  3. Our service will start with the system according to the service configuration.
  4. Logs are managed through the standard system log management, e.g.:
    journalctl -u myapp

Clustering §

There is one caveat to the above example: it’s a singular process utilizing one CPU core according to the standard Node.js core usage. If we we want to dedicate more resources to our application, we need to do a little more work.

First, we need to boot multiple instance of our application. With systemd, we can rewrite our service using a target instead:

  1. Create /etc/systemd/system/ like:
    Description=My Cool Web Server
    Requires=myapp@1.service myapp@2.service
  2. Create /etc/systemd/system/myapp@.service like:
    Description=My Cool Web Server %I
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/node /opt/apps/myapp/index.js
  3. Install the service:
    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemclt enable
  4. Start the service as many times as CPU resources desired:
    systemctl start
  5. Verify they are running:
    Note that both instances will be restarted on system boot.

Second, we need a way to load balance traffic to those instances. To do so, we should use a reverse proxy. My preference is to use HAProxy. In short, install HAProxy, provide a configuration like the following one, and enable the service:

frontend myapp-proxy
  use_backend myapp-backend

backend myapp-backend
  server myapp1
  server myapp2

We get the same sort of round-robin load balancing as the pm2 load balancing, but in a separate process. This allows us to restart individual instances at will without downtime (e.g. systemctl restart myapp@1), among other niceties like TLS termination (see the linked “use a reverse proxy” article for a full example that includes TLS termination).

Containerized Deployment §

But deploying in the bare metal manner described above is an increasingly rare method of deploying applications. Nowadays most deployments are done through some form of containerization. The most basic of which is Docker. In such a case, the container host acts as the process manager and the “container” is the process. This means that the container should be written such that the embedded application is booted directly:

FROM debian:stable-slim

# copy script and node_modules into the container

PORT 8000
CMD ["node", "/myapp/index.js"]

Note that we should use the same modified script as we used in the bare metal deployment. The container host is still going to send traditional process management signals and the application should recognize them.

Conclusion §

pm2 is a process manager that simplifies process management for developers that may not have much knowledge of how systems manage processes. But it comes with some inherent costs and caveats: namely it does not run applications in an unaltered environment. We should take care to deploy our applications with as little runtime environment changes as is necessary in order to reduce the number of things we need to investigate when something goes wrong. By utilizing the standard tooling we are able to run our applications with as little interference as possible. And we also gain the benefit of anyone being able to manage our applications through standard interfaces without having to learn new setups and tools.